BriteSmile Tooth Whitening System

We utilise the BriteSmile Tooth Whitening system. BriteSmile can dramatically lighten teeth up to ten shades within just one visit. The results are immediate & can last for years. Here is how BriteSmile Works:

  1. BriteSmile whitening gel is carefully applied to your teeth.
  2. The gel is then activated by BriteSmile’s patented gentle blue light for 20 minutes while you relax & listen to music.
  3. This process is repeated two or three times more before you go home.

Contact us today for your appointment!

 Book Your Appointment Online or Call us today in Manuka:  02 6295 2188, Jerrabomberra:  02 6255 8394, Calwell:  02 6292 2291, Casey:  02 5105 4767, or Weston Creek:  02 5105 2629, Canberra City:  02 5137 3695, Ainslie:  02 5112 2331.